DIY (Do It Yourself) Halloween Banner Necklace in under 30 mins
I have been creating banners and bunting for halloween and other occasions. But that was only half the fun and if I can convert the banners into wearable jewelry, would that be cool? I’m going to design a wearable banner necklace and you be the judge if it’s any good or not. Let’s roll!
Material List for DIY Halloween Banner Neck Garland
You’ll need:
- Artificial Leather or Vinyl.
- Satin ribbon
- Rotary cutter or Scissors
- Super Glue
- Punch cutter
- Yarn Needle
- Fabric markers or Fabric paints
Step 1. Cut a strip of Vinyl 2 ” wide and 12 ” long.
You can choose a vinyl in your choice of color or you can paint the Vinyl with any color you want.
Hint: I chose to paint my Vinyl strip with Orange color (BOO) :-)
Step 2. Turn over the Vinyl strip and mark the it with flags (triangle shapes) of size 1″ x 2″
Step 3. Cut 1″ x 2″ flags marked on the Vinyl Strip
This is how the flags will look on the other side. Aren’t they cute?
Step 4. Use the yarn Needle with Satin Ribbon and sew the flags together
Step 5. Just like my previous DIY project we can paint some design on the pennant. We can write something related to the occasion for ex. it could be “BOO†or “SPOOKY†or “HAPPY HALLOWEENâ€. We need to be careful how the word(s) we choose to write should fit on the Pennant and not run over. Also we could also draw on the Pennant something like a an icon or design specific to Halloween. I have chosen to write “HAPPY HALLOWEEN†on the pennants. I have used a Black Color Fabric Marker to write it. You could also use Fabric Paint for this.
Here is how the Halloween Banner Necklace looks line finally
My  Halloween Banner Necklace is ready and I’m going to wear it proudly.  How about you? I would love to hear what is your DIY Halloween project this year. Share it below!

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