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Xmas Ornament II

Last minute Christmas Ornaments (DIY) – Part-II

Here I’m as promised in my last post posting few more fun, easy DIY for you to get some more last minute Christmas ornaments on the tree.


Step 1: First choose your Christmas ornament design.

  • Check my earlier post to find out how to choose your design or where to find one.
Step 2: List of items you would need for this DIY

Step1: Material List


  • Artificial Leather or Vinyl. (You can buy this from your local favorite craft store or from stores like Joann. This is one example of what I used.
  • You would also need Satin Ribbon
  • Super Glue (I use this)
  • Fabric markers or Fabric paints  (I used this)
  • Pencil
  • Flat paint brush
  •  Punch cutter (you can use this)


Step 3: Take white color Vinyl and draw your ornament design on it with fabric marker as show below in  2 or 3. Cut your design shape with scissor as in 4.

Step 3: How to draw and cut the design on Vinyl


Step 4:  The ornament is cut in the share of Christmas tree and is almost ready now, see 1 below).

Punch a whole at the top of the Christmas tree with punch cutter (2).

Use any fabric color to paint the ornament. Obviously since this is a Christmas tree I have painted it with green color (3, 4).

Step 4: Cut and Paint your Christmas ornament


Step 5:  Decorating the Christmas ornament is the most fun step of the DIY. Look in your craft box for any  sticker, beads,or scrap book stuff (1).

Stick these stickers/beads 0n your ornament with the help of super glue (2).

Finish all decorations (3).

Take 6′ of satin ribbon and tie it on top of the ornament through the whole which we made in Step 4.2.

Step 5: Decorating the Christmas Tree


Voila.. you Christmas ornament is ready to be hung on the tree. Go ahead and do that and share some pictures.

Step 6: Finished Christmas Ornament


Merry Christmas!

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  1. Wow this was such a fun and creative way to make a christmas tree! I loved making it at home.

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