Have you got a white shirt with a stain on it? If neither detergent or bleach will get the stain out, you can always try this easy fix.
Materials: Stained white shirt, white paint, paint brush.
Step 1 : Spread out the shirt on a hard flat surface, and smooth out the wrinkles and creases.
Use fabric paint same as your fabric color.
Step 2 : Dip the paintbrush in the white paint and paint over the stain with the paint.
Step 3 : Voila! The spot is gone.
We can’t avoid getting marks and spots on our clothes but we can always come up with ways to get rid of them, right? So how do you get rid of minor but hard spots. I’m eager to hear your tips and tricks? Share them!

Love this idea! I have a tshirt I just love that I need to work on!
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